Wednesday, June 8, 2016


On the inside of the heel of every left shoe in my closet there is a dry spot of blood. Some spots are larger than others but it is always there. The only logical conclusion I can reach is that my left foot is slightly larger than my right. How else could you explain it? That with every footwear purchase I know there will come a time when my skin rubs up and down against the fabric, the cotton or leather or suede, and peel away, and cause me to walk irregularly in hopes that I might minimize the pain. How else could you explain that my right foot is fine, always? That those shoes are free from matching blood stains. And if my left foot is slightly larger than my right, where does it end? My fingers, nostrils, ears. The lines of my jaw don't seem as symmetrical as they once did, my tongue feels uneven in my mouth. And then I think perhaps that it isn't my left foot that's larger, but my right foot that's smaller. Stunted, a runt, and it almost makes me grateful. Because I have a lot of shoes, and I have rubbed off a lot of skin, and I have lost a lot of blood.

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