Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Corpus Vile

He tells her some lie. Some false relationship, an unreliable number. He speaks in smiles that seem almost real. And she believes them. He knew she would.

He buys her what she wants. More of the same. Dim lighting and laughter give the right appearance. He gives the right appearance. He has changed. His hands are soft, large, strong. They practice with skill. To every move and word he takes a scalpel.

She opens. She is sorry. She misses this thing. He knew she would. He is clever like that.

Darkness and familiarity. A great sigh. Stories and fashion, music and heat, people are bound to react. It is almost too much to take. Too much to control. But if you let go. If you stop caring. Realize how small you are. How small every thing is. Might you control it then?

She breathes and they breathe together. Darkness and familiarity, but newness, one unique to the other. She is comforted. He is reborn. This is what it feels like. This thing to be repeated.

He almost begins to care. And leaves. He is still learning.

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