Friday, October 31, 2014

Through Your Blood

Don't go in the basement, don't split up, don't go outside or by a window. Trust no one, not even your family, not even your love beside you. Think about money, think about power, think about what's to gain, even if it's by that person beside you. Even if it's through someone they love, their blood, even if it's you. Especially if it's you. Sadly. I'm sorry, but it's true. If the gain is through your blood, watch out.

Boards and nails, knives, cleavers, hammer and screwdriver, mallet, glass, wire and rope, tables and chairs and sheets, a chair, a broken chair, scarves, ties, plastic, plastic bags, light bulbs, baseball bat, golf club, tennis racket, bow and arrow, rifle pistol sticks and stones.

They start getting picked off, one by one. How many lists do you cross them off of? Put them on? We can't know much about the living. How can we know more about the dead? Look for the ones asking questions. And the ones answering them. Pay attention for too much detail, too much minutiae. Anything that seems a little too in place. There will be someone with their wits about them. If there is another, be wary. Therein lies the danger.

You can't let on. You can't seem too nervous. Do not look at them too long. Do not avoid their gaze either. Don't talk too much or talk too little. Don't do exactly what they say but don't be contrary. Never be alone. Always have someone with you. There are a lot of rules. Stay below windows, lock and brace doors, find your anger, find your hatred, find the animal. Never be alone.

It's going to be one of them. It has to be. And, if you're lucky, it will be only one of them. And when you find them out, make them pay. In the ways they've made you pay. And now, lucky you, you know how.

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