Saturday, November 22, 2014


I could crap out five-page papers. I could tell you five pages about most anything, it was just something we learned. Now I'd be lucky to tell you five sentences, with more than five words in each, about anything. And not just about French economics, or the XYZ Affair, or about what Gertrude Stein meant when she said "there is no there there." I'm starting to think I can't talk about me. About what I thought before I set foot in that place. There's no sense in opening a book if you don't open another, if the journey doesn't continue. One foot in front of the other, right? But one thing leads to the next thing and your feet get all messed up, maybe you trip on your laces and you forget about books and ideas. Or at least I did. Start chasing things unchaseable. You hit your peak when you're there, most people do, that's what they say, and I guess I was so scared it was true I just ignored it altogether. And it gets to be so you can't even start, and even if you wanted to you'd have no idea where to start, there's too much to make up, you've lost too much time. But you have so much time left.

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