Friday, February 6, 2015

Churches and Cathedrals

All the pretty girls, they all got married this summer. Seems like all of them did, they all got together, said, "You know what? This is what we're gonna do." Then they all go out, they all get married, and they don't tell me.

Where are these guys? Where is it they get these men of theirs? Is it my fault I was never a high school sweetheart? That I skipped college and was bereft of the feminine persuasion?

Maybe I moved around too much. It gets to be seven months and I get antsy. But if I met a girl, I'd stay!

Seven months. That's about how long my relationships were back when I had relationships. Just about seven months and I'd start to get that feeling. Longest relationships I had were long distance. Time zones between us. What does that tell you. If I plug my ears and laugh will anybody hear me?

The summer must've been a beautiful thing. Tan suits, bare feet, beaches. Buffets and hangovers, churches and cathedrals. Dancing, reconciliation, cake, one night stands, hymns. It's one of the only times I like a hymn.

I have to figure out where to find me one of these girls. Get myself a sweetheart. Give her everything she wants. Pick out a beach of our very own. Book it years in advance. Braid flowers in her hair. For once in my life, stay.

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