Saturday, February 6, 2016


Maybe I'll text you later.

A million and one nights have been made, been broken, hinged on these words. The possibility of a day turning into a night into a late night into a morning into a relationship into a life. Put the period wherever it pleases you. And we always do. We put in the period, make it a certainty, make it a promise, and leave the resentment for later.

Out with friends. Bar hopping. Clear your schedule. Find things to do around the house. Find booze. Pace yourself. Wait for confirmation. Wait for information. Down a few quick shots. Get on their level. Never, not ever, be on a level all your own.

We've all spent nights hovering in that grey limbo, suspended in the uncertainty of an ellipsis, ready to pounce on a person or a bed. We've all fallen asleep and been fallen asleep on. We've all sat around in sweatpants and a nice shirt. Curbing every drink with water, hoping we haven't hydrated ourselves too much.

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