Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Bad Tooth

Like holding it in too long or staving off sleep, eventually my tooth stopped hurting. Every step sent a tiny sharp pain from the top to the bottom. Then to the gums and through the gums, then eventually I found myself sitting more. Did I really need to go to the store today? Did I really need to go to the bathroom? Nope. I'd hold it in too long.

Then eventually it stopped (pain has a way of doing this). But here's the thing. If it goes away on its own, if you don't address it full on, it's not really gone. It's still there even if you can't feel it, and believe me there will come a time when you feel it again. So it was with this old tooth. Sitting there and minding my own business and a dull roar starts somewhere inside. Can hardly eat or drink or move around. And I know what the doctor'll say, he'll say we have to get it out. And here I am, thinking maybe it'll all go away this time if I sit here and wait it out.

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