Sunday, June 15, 2014

Old Music

Going through his sheet music made him sad. He saw the dates: ten years ago, twelve years ago, fifteen years ago. Songs he played when he was a child that he now struggled through. Sharp notes, flat notes, notes like Beautiful! Each line and phrase rushed a memory through his brain, a feeling through his core. He remembered what was happening around each of those pieces, who his friends were, what school was like, what pets were alive, what his parents were doing. He remembered only needing five dollars in his pocket and a bike helmet. He remembered little neckties. He remembered orange soda, pool parties, driver's tests, baseball, frozen pizza, musicals, girls, fights, tears. He remembered video games he wanted and never asked for. He remembered thinking the length of pencils was important. He remembered breaking his first heart, and then his second. He remembered being on the trampoline, flat on his back, contemplating the stars with his friend. Was there life on other planets? Would they visit anytime soon? Would they be like us? What would they have done?

He played old music and it made him sad. It brought him back to a time which was not only simpler, but a time in which he was better. He had let himself go, his talents fade, his fingers forget. Had these things really happened? Did these memories exist? Does life truly go that fast?

He knew it would always be there, that this feeling would never really go away. He would keep learning new music, and having it hurt him. That's what life is.

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