Wednesday, September 17, 2014


My parents just got back. They were in Portland for a week. The Oregon one. They liked it, but they're back now. They went to a used book store that they loved. Powell's. I don't know if it's connected to the ones in Chicago. I assume it might be. But I don't know.

They wanted to take a vacation and Portland is what they chose. They went to Crater Lake. Deepest lake in the world, I think. I think it used to be a volcano, or it was where a crater hit. There was a big hole and it got filled up with water. Strange thing is there aren't any waves. The water sits there, still. Until it's disturbed by all those bodies, whoever wants to swim.

I always wanted to go there. Somewhere in the Pacific Northewest. Growing up, it's the one place I always wanted to visit. Family vacation rolled around and that was my input. It was never honored. Now I have to go there on my own. I guess that's something I have to do.

Mom and Dad had never been to Portland. Now they have. They've been in a lake inside a mountain. They've seen the coast out there. The rain. The grey. They've seen what I always wanted to see. I guess there's always time to want things.

I'll make it out there. I will. When I'm ready. Maybe when I'm old. Mom and Dad didn't tell me about much and I didn't want them to. They told me about the bookstore and that was enough. But they have books everywhere. Still. I'd like to go. Get a book. Read it. Get it wet in the rain. I'd like to get there. I'd like to get there.

Thanks, Mom and Dad.

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