Friday, September 12, 2014

Security Measures

Sometimes—and this is true, people—credit card information gets stolen, from large corporations. Like Walmart, and other businesses. This is a thing I've read or at least heard about, and probably on the news, too. Also, news sites.

Yes, you think your information is safe because you've given it to a giant, big corporation. You're thinking, "Hey, this business probably has lots of security measures in place to keep me, the consumer, Shirley Q. Consumer, safe. Now on to the rest of my day!" Or you might be John Q. Consumer. You get the picture.

But you'd be wrong! There are lots of ways smart people like hackers can get past those "security measures" I talked about earlier just a few sentences ago. This is what they do, people, this is their lives. You really think some John Q. Security is going stop them? Think something else.

Your whole life—well, not, like, your whole life—but a bunch of really important things could get stolen from you because you just had to get those Mickey Mouse cookie cutters and all those "Cool College Styles" for your shitty kids. And now some basement dweller codenamed AnthraxRIPper is buying himself a new Miata! Nice one.

So the next time you think about handing over that little piece of plastic that has all your financial DNA on it—think again! Think something else.

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