Friday, September 26, 2014

Street Corner Gospel

He was standing on the corner, same corner as always, that old man, The Reverend Whatever. Standing on a literal soapbox, or apple box, some kind of box. Preaching the gospel to whoever would listen which usually wasn't many. Today was no different.

"Do you think you can get into Heaven by simply doing good deeds?" he asked to no one in particular.

"Yes," I said. I was surprised by my lack of hesitation. I guess it's easy to tell the truth.

"No," the Reverend told me, "you cannot. It is a common misconception. That getting into Heaven requires nothing more than being a good person. No. That's too easy."

"This is easy though, isn't it?" some lady said.

"The Lord's work is far from easy!" he cried. "Which is why entrance into His holy realm should also be far from easy! Does it not follow? Does it not make sense?" Some agreed, some didn't. "You must let Jesus into your heart! You must accept him as your Lord and Savior!" Some agreed, some didn't.

I wished the Reverend would not look my way, and this is when he did. "Son," he said, "have you? Do you?"

"I let Jesus into my heart," I told him. "But then he broke it. So what now?"

The Reverend had no words for me. I guess it's easy to tell the truth.

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