Saturday, October 31, 2015

False Horror

Supermen and slutty cats. Iron man and vampire bats. What a night! A father and son are mad scientists, and there's an entire Star Wars family. Too many princesses to count, less ninjas than last year, more of the turtle variety. Canes and swords and knives abound.

Moms carrying glasses of wine, older kids with colored cups. Pillow cases and plastic pumpkin bags, kids take two when told to take one but you have to admire the initiative. This is candy night, the beat of nights, and we must get all we can. A lot of people are carrying horse masks.

It is perfect that it happened tonight, the night of make believe, the night of others, when blood and gore is to be expected. The parents congratulate me and the children are frightened and I always forget why. A sticky feeling on my cheek reminds me of the blood.

"Like the getup, man."

"Who are you supposed to be?"


My blinds are drawn and my hands are steady. Tonight is nothing other than what it is. Only a night for pretend, false horror, a night when no one bats an eye. Except for some children, God bless them. Inside waits for me a gruesome mess, a cleanup far worse than any party, a realization far worse than any fact. Inside I have to face what I have done. But in the meantime, I can pass out chocolate and enjoy these slight fringe benefits and be the monster everyone expects.

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