Thursday, October 29, 2015


"'Two good-looking single young men, prime of their youth, world at their fingertips. Time to watch the Peanuts special! [Everywhere old men weep.]' Yeah?"



"Why are you putting that last part?"

"Like old men are crying because the folly of youth and youth is wasted on the young and all that."

"It sounds like they're into us."

"No it doesn't."

"Dude, it sounds like they're into us."

"That is not how people will take it."

"That is exactly how people will take it!"

"OK OK OK, what if I changed it to 'people,' 'old people.'"

"I don't know why there needs to be any mention of any old anybody."

"You need a button!"

"The Peanuts is the button!"

"That's not a very good button."

"Then you work on that button, you don't add another one."

"I can add as many buttons as I like."

"This tweet is turning into one of Steve Harvey's suits."

"This tweet is going to be real good, OK now, let's see. OK but I want this to say something, you know?"

"It says enough without the old men thing. People will naturally think of old men."


"People will naturally think about how old people would look at us and tell us we're wasting our lives."

"I'm not saying we're wasting our lives."

"No, I know."

"I'm saying we're wasting our evening."

"No, I know."



"Why are we?"

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