Thursday, May 26, 2016

One Night in Hollywood, III

"If you're not weird, you're weird."

"Guys, is any black guy Tracy Morgan?"

"Sorry for partying. Not."

"The same people who are intent on selling the American people crap are the same people who say we're a culture in decline. But that's capitalism. We're a functioning hypocrisy."

"Bronze that Tarzan up!"

"Could I get two vodka tonics and a Cincinnati Shuffle?"

"The reason I keep touching your breasts is because I just don't know."

"Ew, no, the bus is too real. I won't even Uber pool."

"It wasn't worth it. But it was worth something."

"I'm William Tell and you're William Shut-Your-Fucking-Mouth."

"Who you talking to? Who you talking to now? Oh, slippery slope..."

"I'll see you dead before I see you paid."

"I know I'm not supposed to wash my hair with bottled water but the danger is part of the appeal."

"I don't wear condoms that much since I have a low count... of partners."

"But at the same time imagine never seeing the color purple before in your life besides grapes."

"Yeah, but to dwarf and a dwarf are different things though."

"In the realm of eyes, I have bigger eyes than some people."

"He was the gayest kid. And now he's the gayest little boy."

"I enjoy a sensible farmers market."

"In some sense potatoes are potatoes are potatoes."

"The apple doesn't fall very far from the orange."

"I am with hangover all over me right now."

"I do a lot of construction so I work with a lot of Spanish people, ya know?"

"I feel like I have a knack for birdwatching. Anybody else feel that way?"

"Part of me thinks that I am the villain."

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