Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Secret Pee

I know what it means, the door opening and the footsteps and the other door closing. I know why you go to the bathroom and, when you get back to the bedroom, then she goes. I know why you both have this sudden urge for clandestine urination. I know what you two get up to in there. I think it's sweet how quiet you've kept it, or tried to at least. The off-hand mention of a current event while you open the door is a nice, albeit see-through, touch. But if you're really trying to keep what you're doing secret, don't follow each other so closely to the toilet. Rest a while, have one go, rest some more, then the other one. Or, better yet, go nuts. Throw that caution to the proverbial wind with whatever reckless abandon is in you. It must be in there somewhere. For a celebration of life and love and everything that is good between two people shouldn't be hushed. We shouldn't feel ashamed. We should do it in the middle of the road.

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